sporten tijdens menstruatie ongesteld sport zwemmen

Exercising during your period (with a menstrual cup)

Exercising during your period should not cause any problems. You don't have to sit still during your period! It even helps you get rid of a number of menstrual complaints (temporarily).

Your motivation to run a marathon may be a bit less when you are on your period, but sports naturally come in many forms. A long walk or a short swim can already make a difference.

When you exercise, your body makes endorphins. A hormone that creates a feeling of happiness. In general you should experience less pain and stress, and that is of course always a plus during your period.

Wearing a menstrual cup while exercising

Wondering if you can wear a menstrual cup while exercising? The answer is 'YES!'. You can wear menstrual cups during sports (including while swimming).

Menstrual cups are flexible and will bend with your movements, so you don't feel the cup. In addition, a menstrual cup creates a vacuum. So no more worries about leaking.

Because menstrual cups are generally made of medical grade silicone, you can wear them for up to 12 hours, which is ideal on the light days of your period.

sporten tijdens menstruatie menstruatie cup

You don't have to limit your period. In terms of sports, everything is allowed and possible during your period. It's a matter of trying which sport feels best and how much effort you can put in. In addition, it is important to see which menstrual product fits best.



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