FAQ veelgestelde vragen menstruatiecups

Menstrual cup: frequently asked questions & the answer

We have listed the most frequently asked questions about menstrual cups for you, with the answer of course. If your question is not listed, do not hesitate to email us or send us a message on our socials. 

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How do I choose my size? 

Unlike most brands, with Practicups you can be sure that you will receive the right size. We immediately give you both sizes of cups: size S and L. The dimensions are as follows: 

Size S: 

Contents (up to the holes): 25 ml 
Height of the cup: 55 mm 
Stem length: 10 mm 
Diameter: 42 mm 

Size L: 

Contents (up to the holes): 30 ml 
Cup height: 57mm 
Stem length: 10 mm 
Diameter: 45 mm 

Which cup you use mainly depends on the intensity of your period and your build. Actions 

The advantage is that we will send you both sizes, so that you can test which cup you like at your leisure likes the best. 

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How do I sterilize my Practicups? 

You do this by boiling the cup in a pan of water for 3-5 minutes. Make sure that the cup does not touch the bottom, for example by hanging it in a whisk. 

You can also use special sterilization tablets or a sterilization liquid if you prefer (these are also used for sterilizing baby products, for example). 

You can read more about sterilizing your cup here.

How do I proceed the first time? 

The best place to try your Practicups is in a place that is comfortable for you. We therefore recommend doing this at home. 

Some women prefer to try the cup when they are not on their period. Unlike tampons, menstrual cups don't absorb anything, so they won't get stuck or dry you out. 

For some women, it takes about 3 menstrual periods before they become comfortable using the menstrual cup. Therefore, it may be a good idea to carry a backup pad just in case. 

Once you get it how you the insert the cup correctly and how often you need to change it (this depends on how heavy your period is), you'll feel more confident just using your Practicups. 

How do I enter my Practicups?

  1. Wash your hands 

Always wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds before inserting the menstrual cup. 

  1. Fold 

Fold the cup into a C-shape and hold to insert the cup. Most women find this fold the most comfortable, but you can try other options as well. After all, every body is unique. See which folding techniques you can use here 

  1. insertion 

Hold the cup firmly in the chosen shape. With your other hand, hold your labia apart. Insert the cup into your vagina until it is fully and comfortably inserted. The cup will hang at a different height depending on the person and the course of your period. Let go of the cup so that it pops open and creates a vacuum. This keeps the cup in place and prevents leaks. 

  1. Check 

Check the bottom of the cup with your fingers to make sure it's fully open. If it's still folded, hold the cup by the base and twist it a little until you feel it open and suck. Use the cup for a maximum of 12 hours, depending on the intensity of your period and the size of the cup. 

Important: Do not forget to sterilize the cup before first use. Do this by boiling it for 3 minutes in a pan of water. Repeat this after every menstrual period. 

You can find our blog about inserting your cup here.

Help, my menstrual cup is leaking! What now? 

In principle, a menstrual cup should not leak. The cup may be full, it may not be properly vacuum-sealed or it may not have been inserted properly. Here you read tips and tricks to ensure that your menstrual cup does not leak. 

How do I remove my Practiceups? 

Wash your hands. Grab the bottom of the cup and gently squeeze it to break the vacuum. Remove the cup by gently rocking it up and down without releasing the squeeze. You should not need the stem for this. Keep the cup upright so you don't spill. When you have completely removed the cup, empty it into the toilet. 

Read more about removing your cup here.

How do I know if my cup fits properly?

You place your Practicups menstrual cup in the vagina below the cervix. It is important that there is enough space between the top of the cup and the cervix, so that the blood can be collected properly. Therefore, make sure that the cup is not too high, but place it as low as is comfortable for you. 

Read more about how deep to insert a menstrual cup here. 

I feel the stem, what now? 

In that case you can cut off the stem. Just make sure you feel comfortable enough to insert and remove the cup without using the stem. 

Practice this a few times before you cut the stem. 

The stem is only meant to get the cup in the right position before you remove it. 

It is not the intention to remove the cup by pulling the stem. As a result, the vacuum is not properly broken and the stem will eventually break off. 

Read here how best to remove the cup.

Can I exercise while wearing my Practicups menstrual cup? 

Yes, you can absolutely exercise while wearing your Practicups! 

In fact, you will feel more comfortable with a menstrual cup than with pads and tampons. Firstly, a cup does not rub or shift, as is the case with sanitary towels. In addition, you will be able to exercise more relaxed, because you have to change less often and have less chance of leakage. 

Read more about exercising with a menstrual cup here.

Do Practicups also work upside down or, for example, when doing yoga?

Yes, if you insert your Practicups properly, it will stay in place without leaking. 

Read more about exercising with a menstrual cup here.

Can I swim while wearing my Practicups menstrual cup?

Yes, you can swim without any problems with your cup, because it is safely positioned inside your vagina. As soon as the cup opens in your vagina and creates a vacuum, you will not leak and can therefore swim without any problems. You also do not suffer from a dangling string. 

It is advisable to empty the cup after swimming and reinsert it. Read more about exercising with a menstrual cup here. 

Can I wear my Practicups at night? 

YES! Practicups menstrual cups can collect up to 3-5 times more blood than a tampon, so you can sleep without worries.

You can wear a cup for 12 hours without any problems. 

Can I have sex while wearing a menstrual cup? 

Of course. You can have sex without any problems while wearing the cup. We do not recommend having penetration because it is very uncomfortable. 

The advantage over tampons is that the menstrual cup has no string. 

Do Practicups menstrual cups collect more blood than a tampon? 

Yes. A normal tampon absorbs 8-10 ml of blood. Our smallest cup holds 25ml of blood. In addition, menstrual cups do not dry you out and prevent irritation. 

You can wear a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours. 

Can I use a menstrual cup if I wear an IUD? 

Many women with an IUD use a menstrual cup without any problems. Unfortunately, the use of a menstrual cup in combination with an IUD sometimes goes wrong. This may be because the IUD strings get caught between the rim of the cup and your fingers. This pulls the IUD down. The IUD can also come off if the vacuum of the cup is not properly broken when the cup is removed. So always break the vacuum before you remove the cup. 

We therefore recommend that you always consult your doctor or gynecologist before using a menstrual cup. 

How often should I empty my Practicups?

If you have just started using menstrual cups, we recommend emptying the cup after 4 hours so that you have an idea of how full the cup is getting. In addition, we recommend using the cup at home first, until you have mastered changing and you know approximately how much blood you are losing. 

It usually takes a few menstrual periods before you become comfortable using the menstrual cup. Most women feel 100% comfortable with the cup after a few months. This is nothing when you consider that you menstruate about 500 times in your lifetime! 

Once you know how much blood you lose during your period, you'll also have a better idea of how often you need to empty your cup. Women with normal to light periods only need to empty their cup every 12 hours. That means you don't have to worry about changing your cup during your working day. It very much depends on your body. 

If you suffer from heavy bleeding during your period, for example due to fibroids or other causes, you will probably have to empty the cup more often. 

Can I use lubricant during insertion? 

Yes, that's possible. Make sure you use water-based lubricant. Oil-based lubricant can attack the material of the cup. You can also use a little water. Your blood also acts as a lubricant during your period, so you probably won't need any lubricant. 

How do I use my Practicups in a public restroom? 

First, wash your hands, just like changing a tampon. Remove the cup. 

There are several ways to clean your Practicups if there is no sink in the toilet cubicle. 

Wipe the cup clean with toilet paper or a damp cloth (without alcohol, oils or perfume). Clean the cup with water as soon as you get home. 

You can also use a bottle of water to rinse your cup. Always use clean drinking water. 

If you're afraid of making a mess when removing the menstrual cup, don't wait until the cup is full to the brim. 

Can I use my Practicups while traveling?

Naturally! That is probably one of the biggest advantages of the menstrual cup. You don't have to bring a stock of sanitary towels, tampons or other menstrual products, which also run out and / or are difficult to obtain in some places. 

In short: a menstrual cup saves you a lot of space in your suitcase and ensures that you are equipped for your entire journey. 

We recommend that you get used to using Practicups before your trip. It is also advisable to carry clean drinking water with you during your trip to clean your cup. 

Read more about using a menstrual cup while traveling here.

Are menstrual cups messy or dirty to use? 

Inserting a menstrual cup is similar to inserting a tampon. Removing the cup is easy without getting dirty. The cup will collect all the blood, so make sure you keep the cup upright before emptying it into the toilet or sink. Do not wait to empty until the cup is completely full to avoid spills. 

The advantage is that you don't have to worry about where to put your used tampons or pads if there is no trash can nearby. You can easily change the cup in the toilet cubicle, even if there is no sink or trash can. 

Observing your own menstrual blood is also a good habit, because it gives you a good idea of your (menstrual) health. 

Read more about using a menstrual cup here.

How do I clean my menstrual cup? 

If you take good care of your cup, it will last for years. A few tips: 

Sterilize the cup before first use and after each period. 

Wash your menstrual cup well with water at least once a day. It doesn't hurt if you're out all day and don't have access to a sink until you get home. 

Use cold water to rinse the cup thoroughly before using hot water. This prevents discoloration of the cup. 

Consider using unscented, oil-free soap if you prefer. However, this is not necessarily necessary. Water is sufficient and also more sustainable and better for the pH value of your vagina. 

Read more about cleaning your menstrual cup here.

How do I clean the holes in my cup?

Fill your menstrual cup with warm water and cover the top with your hand. Squeeze the cup and make sure the water runs out through the holes. 

Are the holes clogged? Then brush them with a soft (tooth) brush or pierce them with a skewer or sterilized needle. 

Read more about cleaning your menstrual cup here.

How do I remove stains from my cup? 

After a while, your cup may discolour. That is quite normal, because blood is a strong dye. A few tips: 

Gently scrub the cup with a small, soft-bristled brush and a mixture of water and baking soda. 

Place your cup in the sun for a few hours (make sure the cup doesn't melt due to the heat). 

Let your cup soak in hydrogen peroxide (2% or 3%) overnight. Another option is a mixture of 1/2 part water and 1/2 part vinegar. However, this may affect the material of the cup. So watch out for this. Thoroughly clean your cup afterwards and boil it out before using it again. 

Read more about cleaning your menstrual cup here.

My menstrual cup smells strong, what now? 

In some people, the smell of menstrual blood is stronger than in others. It could be that the smell of your menstrual blood remains on the cup. This is not strange, but it may be annoying. Keep it clean and regularly sterilize of your cup, helps. 

Other reasons why your cup may smell strongly include: 

  • You left the cup in longer than the recommended time. 
  • You have not cleaned the cup properly. 
  • You have washed the cup with products that have affected the material. You have stored the cup while it was not yet dry, or in a place that does not ventilate well. 
  • You are dealing with a vaginal infection. 

Read some tips here. If this has no effect, then the odor is probably impossible to remove. 

Can I boil my menstrual cup in the microwave?

We do not recommend boiling your cup in the microwave, as this may affect the material of the cup. 

Read more about cleaning your menstrual cup here.

Can I wash my menstrual cup in the dishwasher? 

No, we do not recommend washing your cup in the dishwasher, as dishwasher tablets and other detergents can damage the cup and affect your inner flora. 

Read more about cleaning your menstrual cup here. 

How do I store my Practicups? 

Practiceups come with a handy cotton storage bag. Store your cup in this after boiling, when your cup has dried completely. You can then use the cup immediately during your next period. 

Do not store your cup in a non-breathable plastic bag or container. 

Can I use Practicups if I have an IUD? 

Menstrual cups can be safely used in combination with an IUD. Make sure you always break the vacuum before removing the menstrual cup. 

Many women with an IUD use a menstrual cup without any problems. Unfortunately, the use of a menstrual cup in combination with an IUD sometimes goes wrong. This may be because the IUD strings get caught between the rim of the cup and your fingers. This pulls the IUD down. The IUD can also come off if the vacuum of the cup is not properly broken when the cup is removed. So always break the vacuum before you remove the cup. 

We recommend discussing the use of a menstrual cup in combination with an IUD with your GP/gynecologist for appropriate advice. 

Can I use Practicups after giving birth?

It is not recommended to use internal menstrual products within 6 weeks after giving birth. This is because the risk of infections is greater. We recommend using external protection (such as washable sanitary towels or menstrual underwear) for possible bleeding. 

After the 6 weeks, or with the approval of your obstetrician, gynecologist or general practitioner, you can use internal menstrual products and therefore also a menstrual cup. 

Can I use Practicups if I have uterine prolapse? 

We do not recommend the use of menstrual cups if there is prolapse of the uterus. Consult your doctor for advice on the best menstrual product for your situation. 

Can I use Practicups with a tilted uterus? 

If you have a tilted uterus, it is often no problem to use a menstrual cup. Most women can position the cup correctly with a little practice. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you consult your doctor 

Can I use Practicups if I have endometriosis? 

If you have a gynecological condition such as endometriosis, we advise you to consult your doctor before choosing a menstrual product. 

That said, many women notice an improvement in their periods when they use menstrual cups. 

Menstrual cups collect your blood instead of absorbing it, and they are also made of medical silicone and therefore much kinder to your body. 

Can my Practicups damage my hymen? 

The hymen is a piece of tissue that sits like a collar around the entrance to the vagina. Menstrual cups (and tampons) can stretch or tear the hymen. 

If you have strong personal or cultural feelings about your hymen, we do not recommend using tampons or menstrual cups. 

Do Practicups Make Periods Less Painful? 

Many women notice an improvement in menstrual pain with the use of a menstrual cup. 

Menstrual cups don't disrupt your inner pH, so it's a much more natural way to manage your period. Menstrual cups are also hypoallergenic, so they do not cause any allergic reactions or irritations. 

Does Practicups also work in case of heavy periods? 

Of course. Our largest size (size 2) can collect up to 30ml of blood to the holes (3-5 times more than a tampon). All the way to the rim, it can even hold 37.5 ml, but then you will make a bit of a mess when removing the cup. 

You may need to empty the cup more often if you have a heavy period. However, this does not detract from the others advantages of menstrual cups! 

Can I use Practicups if I have a vaginal yeast infection? 

If you have a vaginal yeast infection, it is best to wait to use your menstrual cup until the infection has cleared. After this you can use the cup without any problems. 

Can you get a vaginal yeast infection from menstrual cups? 

There is no evidence that menstrual cups increase the risk of yeast infections. About 75% of all women get a yeast infection at least once in their lives. 

Can I use Practicups if I have a latex allergy? 

Yes, you can use the Practicups menstrual cups if you are allergic to latex, as our cups are latex-free. 

Practicups are made of 100% super soft, flexible and comfortable medical grade silicone. Medical grade silicone is biocompatible with your body. The material is therefore also used for medical applications, including implants. 

Help, I can't get my cup out! What now?

A menstrual cup cannot get lost or stuck, so don't worry. If you are unable to remove the cup right away, follow these tips: 

Relax! When you are tense, your pelvic floor muscles also tighten, making it more difficult to remove the cup. 

Can't relax? Then do something that provides distraction, such as surfing the internet or watching television. 

Gently press on your lower abdomen, just above your pubic bone. Many gynecologists do this during examinations. This prevents tension of the pelvic floor muscles. 

It may help to take a warm shower to relax. 

Try to remove the cup in a squatting position. It often helps if you push along a bit. 

Wait at least an hour after waking up before trying to remove your menstrual cup. Gravity often helps to lower the cup slightly. 

Break the vacuum of the cup by pressing the base of the cup. Hold down the cup and try to wiggle it downwards. 

If the above tips don't work, talk to your doctor.

Read more advice here.

Can I combine a menstrual cup with other menstrual products?

Naturally! If you want some extra security, you can combine the use of a menstrual cup with sanitary towels, for example. Often people choose a menstrual cup because of the durable aspect. If you only want to use sustainable products, you can combine your cup with, for example, washable sanitary towels or menstrual underwear

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